The Morlock

The Morlock figure is based on one of my absolute favorite science fiction fllms, “The Time Machine” (1960). I saw this movie when I was at the tender age of ten and I was so struck by it that I lay in bed for hours on end trying to think of a way to make one of my own. Needless to say, I didn't succeed. For those unfamiliar with this great film, click here for a brief synopsis of the plot:

Micro Mania's “Morlock” has a nice amount of detail and only a few parts; the main body, two arms and the base, all of which are made of resin. I glued colored sand to spice up the base a little and added some rocks and a hand carved skull made of balsa foam. Those are REAL mouse bones I found on eBay (where else?) to simulate human skeletal remains. Not a bad little kit which probably took more time to paint than assemble.

1960 poster for

1960 poster for "The Time machine".

Latest comments

18.07 | 20:43

Speechless, And I am really speechless.
Incredible work. I am glad we could provide you with a grail

11.07 | 11:41

Great job down to the last detail!

10.07 | 16:36

Thank you, Addis, I estimate it took me around 100 hours to complete.

10.07 | 12:24

Terrific work...must've taken quite a while for you to complete...very good detail!!

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