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18.07 | 20:43

Speechless, And I am really speechless.
Incredible work. I am glad we could provide you with a grail

11.07 | 11:41

Great job down to the last detail!

10.07 | 16:36

Thank you, Addis, I estimate it took me around 100 hours to complete.

10.07 | 12:24

Terrific work...must've taken quite a while for you to complete...very good detail!!

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A 'voronoi skull. Read the text to learn about voronoi objects and how they are made.

A 'voronoi skull. Read the text to learn about voronoi objects and how they are made.

This area is essentially a display pen for all the 3D objects I have printed using both my filament and resin 3D printers that aren't necessarily linked to any science fiction, fantasy or horror element. Some are voronoi subjects that were actually sample or test prints provided with my first resin printer and some are geometric designs that just caught my fancy. Though most of these objects can also be made on a filament printer, I think the texture rendered by the resin printer is far superior with the only limitation of that application being the size of the resin printer's build plate, roughly 1/8 that of my larger filament printers capacities.

A multi-cube in resin about three inches on a side. Not a voronoi object but neat looking all the same. This 'sample' print recipe came with my resin printer. Click for a larger image.

A voronoi stretching cat in resin. Approximately seven inches long from the tip of the tail to the fore paws. Click for a larger image.

A pyramid of pyramids done on a 3D filament printer. Roughly five inches on a side. I have NO idea how many hundreds of pyramids are in this item. Not a voronoi object but still kewl looking though. Click for a larger image.

From the Google machineVoronoi diagrams were considered as early as 1644 by philosopher René Descartes and are named after the Russian mathematician Georgy Voronoi, who defined and studied the general n-dimensional case in 1908.

This type of diagram is created by scattering points at random on a Euclidean plane. The plane is then divided up into tessellating polygons, known as cells, one around each point, consisting of the region of the plane nearer to that point than any other. The plane(s) can be curved or folded in any way the designer wishes resulting in some truly beautiful objects.

Voronoi form of a female bust in resin. Stands seven inches tall. Click for a larger image.

A variation of Atlas holding the world on his shoulders about five inches tall. I am not sure who did this terrific sculpt but it came out great in resin. Click for a larger image.

Another voronoi female bust in a slightly different pose. I printed this 11" tall figure using my filament printer which took about two days. Click for a larger image.

Larger image of the female Atlas as I call it. I wish I had the capability to make a larger version of this very nice sculpt, say 24

Larger image of the female Atlas as I call it. I wish I had the capability to make a larger version of this very nice sculpt, say 24" tall!

Two voronoi star fish. The smaller star fish on the right is the actual 'recipe' measuring about four inches across. The one of the left is a larger and flatter version which illustrates the ability one has in 3D printing that allow the user to alter and objects size & dimensions as they like, the only limitation in size being that of the 3D printer itself.

Two voronoi star fish. The smaller star fish on the right is the actual 'recipe' measuring about four inches across. The one of the left is a larger and flatter version which illustrates the ability one has in 3D printing that allow the user to alter and objects size & dimensions as they like, the only limitation in size being that of the 3D printer itself.

A very nice 3D print of Medusa that I acquired at the 2024 Curiosities and Oddities Expo held in Providence, RI. Most of what I saw there just wasn't for me but when I laid my eyes on it, I just had to have it.  The skull is roughly 5 inches high and came with a domed glass display  which I don't show here because of the glass reflection.

A recent 3D print using the voronoi style with a rainbow filament. I downloaded the STL file from Thingaverse. The bust stands about 11 inches high and took 2 days and 16 hours to print. At the top of the page you can see a couple other voronoi style of prints which make interesting nicknack.   7/1/2024