As the title of this page suggests, this section of the site is devoted to busts. I have only recently begun to explore this side of model building although it would be more appropriate to refer to it as the painting side I think. True, some busts will have a few parts mostly due to the limitations of the casting process which would require the more delicate or convoluted parts to be cast separately. They also come in various sizes ranging from actual 1 to 1 scale to some as small as your thumb which addresses storage and/or display issues you may have.
In any case, the following pages are just a few of my clumsy attempts at this sub-genre (so to speak). Actually, I have found that painting and detailing a bust is a nice break from the sometime ho hum “by the numbers” assembly steps of your typical plastic or resin kit and has, in some cases, allowed me to develop my painting skills in ways that I hadn't anticipated.
To view my efforts along with a brief description of the kit and process, click on the titles at the top of this page to get a feel of the range of bust kits that are out there. I expect to be adding to this section regularly as I acquire new bust projects.
Latest comments
18.07 | 20:43
Speechless, And I am really speechless.
Incredible work. I am glad we could provide you with a grail
11.07 | 11:41
Great job down to the last detail!
10.07 | 16:36
Thank you, Addis, I estimate it took me around 100 hours to complete.
10.07 | 12:24
Terrific work...must've taken quite a while for you to complete...very good detail!!